2024/04/20 at 9:04 صباحًا

Martin Schulz:I will keep on advocating activity, in my new position, for a two-state solution with an independent, democratic and viable Palestinian state

H.E Mr. Khaled OSAILY
Mayor of Hebron
Palestinian National Authority
Hebron Municipality

Dear Mayor,
I  write to thank you wholeheartedly for your warm message of  congratulations and support on the occasion to the office of president  of the European parliament.


I vividly remember my visit to Hebron,  which allowed me to get a first-hand experience of the municipality work  and the inhabitants’ daily-life, and from which I gained a much deeper  understanding of the very special situation of the city and its region.
With  regard to the Arab-Israeli conflict, whose resolution is considered by  the European parliament as strategic and urgent priority, I can  guarantee I will keep on advocating activity, in my new position, for a  two-state solution with an independent, democratic and viable  Palestinian state living side-by-side with Israel and its neighbors, in  peace and security.

Yours sincerely,
Martin Schulz

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