2024/04/16 at 12:14 مساءً

Osaily and the World Bank Discuss Private Sector Engagement in West Bank Waste Management

Hebron Mayor and Head of the Southern West Bank Joint Solid Waste  Management Council Mr. Khaled Osaily met on the 18th of December with  Mr. Ibrahim Dajani, Senior Operations Officer at the World Bank, Mr.  Mario Zelaya, Environmental Specialist for the Solid Waste Management  Project at the World Bank and Mr. Peter Cohen, Social Development  Specialist/Consultant at the World Bank.

 The meeting aimed at discussing  work progress at the West Bank Solid Waste Management Project which is  mainly funded by the World Bank, as well as at preparing for the signing  of a Complementary Project Agreement next Monday.

The meeting was also attended by Eng. Yasser al Dweik, Executive  Director of the Higher Council for the Management of Solid Waste in  Bethlehem and Hebron Governorates.
Osaily briefed his guests about the Solid Waste Management  Project and progress in the building of a central landfill and relevant  facilities which shall serve Hebron and Bethlehem Governorates, saying  that this project has reached an advanced stage.

“Cooperation in the execution of a number of joint projects between  Local Authorities in the two Governorates on the one hand and the World  Bank on the other highlights that working as one team, perseverance and  the genuine will to serve Palestinians and to provide them with a  healthy and sound environment are vital to ensuring project success. We  look forward to more cooperation and to additional vital projects that  would serve Palestinians and improve their daily lives.

We hope that the World Bank will provide the necessary support to  these projects just like the generous support it provided to the  Southern West Bank Solid Waste Management Project”, he said.

Participants  discussed means to improve solid waste collection and transport as well  as to reduce relevant costs for partner municipalities. They  highlighted the importance of engaging the local population and raising  their awareness in order to provide them with the best services at a  lower cost.

The meeting also discussed means to improve the collection of waste  fees as well as private sector participation in the recycling and  reusing of solid waste with a view to enhancing environmental awareness  and highlighting the importance of solid waste management. It is to be  noted that the Joint Services Council is about to sign an agreement with  ICF to examine private sector engagement in this field. This study  would highlight the importance and benefits of engaging the Private  Sector and the impact thereof on the public interest.

At the end of the meeting, participants visited the Project’s site to get better acquainted with work progress in the field.

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