2024/04/25 at 2:32 مساءً

Paris hosts a Conference for the Inscription of Hebron on UNESCO’s World Heritage List

Paris- The International Conference for the  Inscription of Hebron on UNESCO’s World Heritage List kicked off on 25  November in Paris with the participation of politicians as well as of  Palestinian, Arab and international experts. This two-day conference  held at the Arab World Institute in Paris was convened by Hebron  Municipality and its two key partners in the Project to Support the  Inscription of Hebron on the World Heritage List, i.e. Arcueil and  Belfort municipalities in France.

The  Opening Session was attended by Hebron Mayor Khaled Osaily, Mr. Elias  Sanbar, Ambassador of Palestine to UNESCO, Mr. Etienne Butzbach, Mayor  of Belfort and Mr. Daniel Breuiller, Mayor of Arcueil. In his welcome  address, Mr. Butzbach underlined the importance of partnerships between  France and Palestine. He confirmed that success was possible because  there is a real will to succeed. “We have sought over the past 17 years  to build a French-Palestinian partnership through Belfort and Hebron  municipalities. Twinning agreements were signed and several projects  were implemented to help achieve this goal. The fact that Mayor Osaily  heads Hebron Municipality plays a major role in ensuring the success of  this international campaign. Efforts must continue to implement our  joint strategy, mainly through ending occupation. Hebron cannot develop,  its sites and heritage cannot be protected, its economy cannot grow and  sustainable development cannot be ensured unless occupation ends. What  we achieve here today and tomorrow will provide support to Hebron’s  nomination file which is backed by Mayor Osaily’s genuine and efficient  efforts. We wish to continue to work as partners until Hebron’s  nomination file is endorsed by UNESCO. Palestine’s recent membership of  this organization has no doubt removed all obstacles preventing Hebron’s  inscription on the WHL. When one sees the great archeological sites in  Hebron one understands a clear message: occupation must end and  Palestinian land, history and heritage must be restored to Palestinians  so they can ensure a future just as bright as their past has been”, he  said.

Mayor Osaily conveyed the greetings of Palestinians in  general and Hebronites in particular to participants. He underlined the  importance and value of Palestinian cities which Palestinians have  preserved so humanity can enjoy them. “We at Hebron Municipality  consider ourselves the guardians of this cultural heritage of humanity.  We must protect it and ensure it is passed on to future generations  despite obstacles created by occupation and settlement activity. This is  our key priority and a main objective that we seek to achieve at all  times. This international campaign to inscribe Hebron’s Old City on the  WHL was launched in 2009 in partnership with our friends and partners at  Belfort and Arcueil municipalities with whom we worked to promote  cooperation and cultural exchanges. They have played a major role in  ensuring the success of this campaign with full support from President  Abbas, PM Fayyad and Palestinian government members. Moreover, a vast  majority of Member States supported Palestine’s UNESCO membership bid,  thus proving their support of justice and Palestinian rights. Efforts by  President Abbas, PM Fayyad, Foreign Minister Al Malki and all GOs and  NGOs shall not cease until Palestine becomes a full-fledged member of  the UN and all Palestinian rights are acknowledged, including the right  to build an independent Palestinian State and to live a normal life,  just like all other nations in the world, without occupation or  settlements. The idea of inscribing Hebron on the WHL started as a  far-fetched dream in which many people did not believe. However, we have  persevered and are fully confident that this dream shall come true”, he  said.

As for Mr. Elias Sanbar, he said: “Palestine has  become a full member of UNESCO following an intense political and  diplomatic battle waged by the Palestinian leadership both inside and  outside this UN agency. Membership of such an important UN agency is a  key gain which

shall open the door for the submission of other  files by Palestinian cities rich with heritage. However, our efforts  shall not stop here. We shall continue our work until we are recognized  by all international organizations and until we become the 194th UN  Member State. We shall not tire of defending our legitimate rights  guaranteed by all international treaties and resolutions”. Sanbar then  thanked Hebron, Arcueil and Belfort municipalities as well as all  experts taking part in this Conference for their great efforts.

The  opening session ended with a speech by Mr. Breuiller who commended  Palestinians and their leadership for the way it continues to run  Palestinian affairs under very dire conditions. “It is very difficult to  be a Mayor but it is almost impossible to be the mayor of a Palestinian  city. Arcueil has always sympathized with Palestinians and was the  first city to host a Palestinian sports team in 1982 at a time when the  world used to consider Palestinians as terrorists. I am happy to see  Palestinians focus on culture as a means to prove themselves, and I  thank UNESCO for voting to admit Palestine as a full-fledged member  which allows for the inscription of Hebron on the WHL. I hope that 2012  will witness the acceptance of Hebron’s file so that its heritage can be  inscribed on that List”, he added.

It is to be noted that  archeology and history experts from Italy, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon,  Palestine and France are taking part in this Conference in addition to a  number of project supporters and sponsors from throughout the world.

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