2024/04/24 at 12:48 مساءً

Condolences and Sympathy with H.E Prime Minister Of TurkeyMr. Rajab Tayeb Ardoghan

يا ايتها النفس المطمئنة ارجعي الى ربك راضية مرضية فادخلي في عبادي وادخلي جنتي) صدق الله العظيم
Condolences and Sympathy with H.E Prime Minister Of TurkeyMr. Rajab Tayeb Ardoghan 

In the Name of all Hebron citizens, Khaled  Osaily the Mayor of Hebron, would like to express his deepest sorrow and  condolences for H.E Prime Minister

Mr. Rajab Tayeb Ardoghan for the loss of :

his Mother

Tanzil Ardoghan

We  were very sorry to hear this news, and we would like to share our  condolences with H.E the Prime Minister, his family and all the brothers  in Turkey.

May her soul rest in peace, and we pray to Allah  to give you courage, strength and support.

Khaled Osaily

Mayor of Hebron

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