2024/04/25 at 2:08 صباحًا

رسائل شكر وتقدير على حسن الضيافة الى العسيلي

فيما يلي صور ورسائل الشكر التي وردت الى السيد العسيلي بخصوص حسن الضيافة والاستقبال

Dear Mr. Osaily

I hereby would like  to thank you for your very hospitable lunch invitation last Monday March 02  together with John and my Danish colleague.

I appreciated the  interesting discussion as well as having the chance to meet your family members  who are also active in the business field.

And, it goes  without saying, the Hebron traditional food was simply excellent  !

I hope to be in  further contact in the future.



Bruno  JANS

Consul general of  Belgium


Dear Khaled,

I want to thank you  – and your family – for the wonderful lunch this Monday. You showed great  hospitality and for me, it was a very enlightening discussion. On a wide range  of issues. The same evening, I did, as mentioned, met with a group of Danish  business people and representatives from pension funds, and the input from the  lunch was very useful in this regard.

And many greetings  back from Filippo Grandi!

I hope to see you  and your family soon again.

Best regards,  Anders









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